My Alai® Multisystem Support provides multi-system benefits.

As it is a TGA-listed formulation, the claims we can make with regards to the formulation are limited – some are listed below - but it’s important to understand that by improving the gut microbiota, reducing inflammation, restoring nutrient status and reducing free radicals in the body, the benefits can extend well beyond this list. 

We recommend watching Dr Agnes' presentations LINK HERE where she explains this in more detail.

✓ Improved general health and well-being

✓ Increased energy

✓ Improved nutrient status

✓ Reduced skin inflammation

✓ Improved skin quality, tone, and texture

✓ Increased collagen synthesis

✓ Thicker and fuller hair

✓ Improved digestion

✓ Promotes the growth of beneficial gut microbiota
✓ Improved immune function

✓ Reduced inflammation (and the symptoms that come
with it)

✓ Alleviation of allergy symptoms

✓ Reduced severity, duration and frequency of

✓ Increased metabolism for easier weight loss

✓ Reduced free radicals in the body and improved elimination
of toxins

✓ Enhanced brain health

✓ Improved memory and cognitive function

✓ Stable mood

✓ Reduced stress and better stress management 

Full list of benefits here

All supplements come with the risk of side effects but those reported with My Alai® Multisystem Support are mild and temporary.

Approximately 5% of people experience mild nausea, gastric upset and/or diarrhoea after taking My Alai® Multisystem Support. This can be managed by adjusting the dose or taking the formula after food.

Approximately 5% of people report mild headaches during the first week and this may be due to the formulation itself or due to dietary changes that most people implement while taking My Alai® Multisystem Support, in particular withdrawing from caffeine, sugar and processed foods can cause headaches.

No other side effects have been reported however that does not mean this list is exhaustive.

Allergic reactions are possible when taking any new supplement or medication. Please check the ingredients list and do not take My Ultimate Alai® if you have a known allergy to any of the nutrients contained within.

More instructions on troubleshooting via the QR code on the label.

Everyone is different in their nutrient needs.   Most people will notice benefits within 1- 2 weeks but in order to optimise health
and improve your body’s ability to process and assimilate nutrients found in food, ideally you should continue the formulation for three months. If you are generally healthy and just need a reset, one month may be sufficient.  

If you have a chronic condition, high-stress levels or life demands, or if you are following a restrictive diet, you may need to take My Alai® Multisystem Support for up to six months.

We recommend not taking supplements for longer than 6 months before having a break for up to three months. During the break, you should continue the Bio-Alai® Dietary Guidelines or My Alai® personalised nutrition plan to ensure you are obtaining
adequate nutrients.

My Alai® personalised nutrition plan

My Alai® Mutisystem Support is a powered formulation that is best taken once a day in a smoothie, water or juice first thing in the morning. This simplifies the dosing schedule.  However, you can choose to divide the daily dose into two and have half with breakfast and half with lunch.  You can find more information on how to use My Alai® Multisystem Support and some delicious smoothie recipes in the Bio-Alai® Dietary Guidelines (I might change this name so please check with me) document by scanning the QR code on the label. 

All chronic conditions are driven by inflammation. My Alai® Multisystem Support reduces inflammation and supports healthy immune function which makes it useful for any chronic condition. 

If you have a specific aesthetic concern or chronic condition as listed below, we recommend using My Alai® Multisystem Support alongside a My Alai® nutrition plan.

This plan will provide you with an individualised and comprehensive nutritional framework that works with your unique physiology to optimise health and help you reach and maintain your goals. Register for your My Alai™ personalised nutrition
if you have any of the following conditions or concerns:

Weight gain or resistance to
weight loss

Obesity or lipedema




Eczema or dermatitis

Hair loss

Skin Ageing

An autoimmune condition

Irritable bowel syndrome or other
gut condition


Polycystic ovarian syndrome

Fatty liver disease

Type 2 Diabetes

Thyroid disease

Adrenal dysfunction


Food intolerances


Watch Dr Agnes explain how nutrients can help. LINK TO NUTRIENT THERAPIES VIDEO


My Ultimate Alai® is a practitioner-only product, does
that mean I will need to pay for a consultation before I can purchase it?

No – you do not need a consultation or any tests.

My Ultimate Alai® is a TGA-listed product with therapeutic
benefits which is why we have decided to make it a practitioner-only product;
however, it has been formulated with safe ingredients and therapeutic doses and
is therefore sold over-the-counter at approved clinics or on-line through the clinics


What if I need extra support to achieve my health goals?


If you have specific health goals, it is best to register
for a My Alai™
personalised nutrition plan ADD LINK  This is a complete and comprehensive plan that
addresses your individuals needs to help you achieve your goals.  Guidance is provided through a series of
videos so that you know exactly what to do during each stage of your plan.  


If you need more support, your clinic may choose to provide
regular reviews for you at an additional fee. 
Alternately, Bio-Alai®
has partnered health coaches who provide one-on-one or group support via skype.



Does My Ultimate Alai® interact with my medications?


As the ingredients in My Ultimate Alai® are at supportive
and safe levels, it is unlikely that they will interact with your medications,
but it is essential that you speak to your doctor before starting any


Who should not take My Ultimate Alai®?


Children under the age of 15

Pregnant or breast-feeding mothers

If you have an allergy to any of the ingredients 


The short answer is no. Extreme calorie or dietary restrictions can lead to nutrient deficiencies, leaky gut and a wide range of problems. 

The aim of  My Alai® Multisystem Support is to restore health so you can enjoy the benefits that come with that, like effortless weight loss, more energy, thicker hair and better skin.

We recommend that you follow either the Bio-Alai® Dietary Guidelines* or a My Alai® nutrition plan** (ADD LINK to info page) which are based around healthy foods and eating according to your satiety or your individual needs.

* Bio-Alai® Dietary Guidelines can be accessed by scanning the QR code on the label.

** My Alai® nutrition plan is a comprehensive individualised nutritional plan that works with your physiology to help you achieve specific goals.

Children under the age of 15Pregnant or breast-feeding mothers.


TGA-listed complementary medicines are required to contain
the correct doses of active ingredients for the claim being made so you can be
assured of the therapeutic effect BUT many TGA-listed powdered formulations
still contain pro-inflammatory fillers and excipients, some of which do not
need to be listed on the label.


My Ultimate Alai® is a TGA-listed complementary medicine
with the highest concentration of high-quality, highest bioavailability active
ingredients at therapeutic doses and no harmful ingredients or bulking agents.

More information on My Ultimate Alai®  here (link to My Ultimate Alai® page)

As the ingredients in My Ultimate
Alai® are at supportive and safe levels, it is unlikely that they will interact
with your medications, but it is essential that you speak to your doctor before
starting any supplements.

If you have specific health goals,
it is best to register for a My
Alai™ personalised nutrition plan ADD LINK  This is a complete and comprehensive plan that
addresses your individuals needs to help you achieve your goals.  Guidance is provided through a series of
videos so that you know exactly what to do during each stage of your plan.  


If you need more support, your
clinic may choose to provide regular reviews for you at an additional fee.  Alternately, Bio-Alai® has partnered health coaches who provide
one-on-one or group support via skype.

No – you do not need a consultation or any tests.

My Ultimate Alai® is a TGA-listed
product with therapeutic benefits which is why we have decided to make it a practitioner-only
product; however, it has been formulated with safe ingredients and therapeutic doses
and is therefore sold over-the-counter at approved clinics or on-line through the
clinics website.