Bio-Alai leads the way in evidence-based nutritional solutions, helping individuals achieve and maintain their health goals long-term.
Bio-Alai® was founded by Cosmetic and Nutritional Medicine Practitioner, Dr Agnes Warchalowski, and stems from a commitment of healing the body to improve patient outcomes and increase health span.
The Bio-Alai® health system is the culmination of over 20 years research and clinical experience and is based on the principles of longevity and precision medicine, epigenetics, and personalised nutrition, to address the underlying drivers of inflammation, ageing, and common chronic conditions.
Dr Agnes has a special interest in chronic inflammatory, metabolic, and hormonal conditions. She has presented widely the role of nutritional medicine in peri and post menopause, weight management and metabolism, the gut microbiome, epigenetics, the brain connectome, and the gut-brain-skin axis in dermatological presentations. She has also curated an 8-module course, “Nutrient Therapies in the Aesthetic Setting”, designed for aesthetic practitioners wanting to implement a safe and evidence-based framework for providing a more holistic approach to patient management.
Bio-Alai® is committed to improving access to quality health information which is why our safe, personalised and evidence-based nutritional solutions and complementary medicines are now available on-line.
Dr Agnes Warchalowski, founder of Bio-Alai®
" Inflammation is the driver of almost every common chronic condition and symptom. Over the years, my personalised nutrition protocols and nutrient formulations have helped my patients reduce inflammation in the body and achieve a wide range of health benefits. Some have even reversed long-standing symptoms and chronic symptoms, so I knew I needed to take my protocols to the wider public to help others achieve the same results. I developed the Bio-Alai® Health System based on current research in longevity and nutritional medicine. The aim was to optimise health at its foundations, the gut microbiome, the immune system, mitochondrial function, metabolism, detoxification pathways, hormonal balance, and brain function. I also wanted the system online to allow easier access for all. Since its launch in 2024, The Bio-Alai® Health System has helped so many more people finally take control of their health – in the comfort of their own home and at their own pace. Each day, I receive emails from clients and practitioners, reporting the many health benefits they’ve experienced, and I honestly couldn’t be happier!”
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